1. 特殊性能钢铁材料研究:特殊性能钢铁材料成分优化设计、热加工热处理工艺研究、组织-性能微观作用机理研究、失效分析等
2. 多材料3D打印一体化成型技术研究:金属-高分子-陶瓷多材料3D打印一体化成型技术研究
1. 国家自然科学基金项目青年科学基金项目,51701100,δ铁素体固溶机制及形变诱导δ铁素体固溶行为,2018/01-2020/12,25万元,在研,主持
2. 山东省教育厅,山东省高等学校青年创新团队,自愈合材料研究创新团队,2019-10至2022-10,200万,在研,参加
3. 国家自然科学基金项目青年科学基金项目,51801109,ZnIn2S4/石墨烯@TiO2纳米异质结复合材料的可控制备及其对金属的光电化学阴极保护机制研究,2019/01-2021/12,25万元,在研,参加(第二位)
4. 国家自然科学基金项目青年科学基金项目,51701102,海洋环境中2507/X70异相焊缝电偶效应及其对应力腐蚀开裂机制的影响,2018/01-2020/12,24万元,在研,参加(第三位)
1. 李俊儒,程联军,王力伟,李红,一种提高钢中δ铁素体固溶速率的方法,2018.07.26,中国发明专利,ZL201810834738.6。
2. 李俊儒,王力伟,程联军,李红,一种马氏体型耐热钢原始奥氏体晶界显示方法,2018.06.12,中国发明专利,ZL201810601380.2。
3. 李俊儒,程联军,沈精虎,王力伟,一种改善马氏体型耐热钢10Cr11Co3W3NiMoVNbNB铸锭高温成形性技术,2017.07.31,中国发明专利,ZL201710643284.X。
1. Junru Li#*, He Tian, Zhang Pengfei, Cheng Lianjun, Wang Liwei. Effect of large-size carbides on the anisotropy of mechanical properties in 11Cr-3Co-3W martensitic heat-resistant steel for turbine high temperature blades in ultra-supercritical power plants. Materials Characterization, 2020, 159: 110025.
2. Junru Li#*, Zhang Pengfei, He Tian, Cheng Lianjun, Wang Liwei, Li Hong. Effect of carbides on high-temperature aging embrittlement in 12% Cr martensitic heat-resistant steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019, 8: 5833-5846.
3. Junru Li#*, Cheng Lianjun, Zhang Pengfei, Wang Liwei, Li Hong. Effect of delta ferrites on the anisotropy of impact toughness in martensitic heat-resistant steel. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2019, 8: 1781-1788.
4. Junru Li#*, He Tian, Cheng Lianjun, Zhang Pengfei, Wang Liwei. Effect of precipitates on the hot embrittlement of 11Cr-3Co-3W martensitic heat resistant steel for turbine high temperature stage blades in ultra-supercritical power plants. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 2019, 763: 138187.
5. Junru Li#, Jianjun Liu, Bo Jiang, Chaolei Zhang, Yazheng Liu*, Influence of high temperature pre-deformation on the dissolution rate of delta ferrites in martensitic heat-resistant steels, Metals and materials International, 2017, 23: 1-7.
6. Junru Li#, Chaolei Zhang, Bo Jiang, Leyu Zhou, Yazheng Liu*, Effect of large-size M23C6-type carbides on the low-temperature toughness of martensitic heat-resistant steels, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 685: 248-257.
7. Junru Li#, Chaolei Zhang, Yazheng Liu*, Influence of carbides on the high-temperature tempered martensite embrittlement of martensitic heat-resistant steels , Materials Science & Engineering A, 2016, 670: 256-263.
8. Junru Li#, Bo Jiang, Chaolei Zhang, Leyu Zhou, Yazheng Liu*, Hot embrittlement and effect of grain size on hot ductility of martensitic heat-resistant steels, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2016, 677: 274-280.